Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Twisted: callWhenRunning, callFromThread or callLater?

When I first learned of reactor.callWhenRunning, I apparently didn't read the documentation and/or source code sufficiently carefully. I correctly understood that it was the function to use when you wanted to queue a function to be called immediately after reactor start. My mistake was to believe that it queued the function if the reactor had already been started. In fact, if the reactor is in the "running" state, it simply calls the specified function. I wonder if part of the reason for this design is how it handles the not-running case. If the reactor is not running, callWhenRunning adds a startup trigger for the specified function. Such a trigger cannot be used to queue-up a task/call.

I learned (the hard way) of the need for callFromThread when trying to run a web server and twisted reactor in separate threads of the same process ("don't try this at home"). Jean-Paul's answer to my question about reactor.wakeUp provides the reason for this requirement. The reactor must make blocking calls (e.g. select()) for certain functionality (e.g. networking). The wakeUp trips the blocking call by, e.g., "writ[ing] a byte to a pipe the reactor is select()ing (etc) on". In my case, I found that an attempt by the web server code to write to the network might be ignored indefinitely unless the call was wrapped with callFromThread. What does callFromThread do? It adds the function to the threadCallQueue and "wakes up" the reactor. Unlike callWhenRunning the specified function call isn't made until after callFromThread returns, so it can be used to queue-up a function for running when the reactor (re-)gains control.

If you read the callFromThread documentation, you'll find that callLater is the recommended way (with delay=0) to queue a function for calling in the next mainLoop iteration. Like callFromThread, callLater uses a queue(s) to manage the calls. Two queues are kept: one for calls which haven't waited long enough (_newTimedCalls), and one for calls which have waited long enough, but haven't been called yet (_pendingTimedCalls). The _pendingTimedCalls are called during the next mainLoop iteration.

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